Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Little Blond Weirdo With A Fish Named David

Ok, so as promised I'm continuing to write about people and experiences from this summer. Today I'm going to write about a very dear friend of mine. Her name is Miranda. Now, the first thing you have to know about Miranda is that she's a very......unique person. The first day of camp she was the last person to show up. I had seen her on facebook but I wasn't really sure what to expect. Well, in walks this little bleach blonde girl, betta fish in hand referring to him simply as "david" and talking about how her and "david" took a detour on the way up to Nakalulla Falls to do some sight-seeing. Miranda, I know you're reading this and I love you dearly but my first thought was "Well..this may or may not be a really long summer". However, despite my hasty preconceptions we all learned to know and love Miranda immensely. She has a personality that just draws you to be her friend. Her hilarious and carefree attitude make everyone laugh, along with her made up exclamations like "What the butts!". She's the only person in the world I know that listens to some random techno band called hard styles and despite the fact that it sounds like a computerized clanging of pots and pans she *loves it*. My favorite thing about Miranda is that despite everything she's been through she *delights* in life. She will never fail to admit her shortcomings but she doesn't let them control her. She lives and she loves and she laughs and without even trying makes everyone around her enjoy her presence. She loves God. Every morning we would have devotions and some mornings she would just run off barefoot into the field and write and pray literally oblivious to the world around her because at that moment nothing matters to her more than the time she is spending with the Lord. I strive to have that kind of faith. Miranda became one of my closest friends this summer. She's the kind of person I always wished I could be, but in becoming close with her this summer I realized something. Despite how put together she comes across, she's not perfect and she doesn't try to be. That's what makes me respect her, that's what makes me love her as a true friend and sister. Miranda: you changed my life this summer in more ways than one. There were some days and some moments where I really have no idea what I would have done if you weren't there. I know right now you're off frolicking through panama city with "dark and handsome" (as you like to call him) and his family, but when you read this know that you will forever have a special place in my heart as one of my truest friends. For as much as I give you a hard time about going to Alaska, I'm proud of you for following your heart. I know I'll see you soon <3

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