Tuesday, June 28, 2011


God's creation has always amazed me. As you all know, I'm spending my summer in Mentone, Al and this area possess's something Florida doesn't: fireflies. They are something I've always loved. I think fireflies are the weirdest creatures, the way their butts light up. I mean, come on, Who else could think of that but an all powerful creator? They are the most beautiful bugs (and this is coming from the girl that hates bugs). This summer God has been working in my heart in so many ways. I've become convicted of a lot of things I never thought about before and I've realized how much more my life needs to change than it already has. The fireflies remind me of my savior. A beautiful light in the dark.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sunshine, Adventures, and Everything In-between

As most of you know (and by most of you I mean all 5 of you that follow my blog) I'm at Ponderosa Bible Camp this summer as a counselor. I was going to write a blog about my past experiences here as a little girl and how that ties into now, but my older sister (who also has  blog) totally stole my thunder and beat me to it ( love you Caitlin). So I guess I'll just talk about my first few days here and what I hope to get from the rest of the summer. The first day I got here I flew in with my sweet friend Melinda and we stayed in my home town of Birmingham for 2 days. I was excited to say the least, but a little nervous to see some people I hadn't talked to in a while. It was a beautiful two days that I got to spend with some very very dear friends. On the 3rd day I met up with one of the other counselors and we immediately clicked. By the end of the day, all four of us girl counselors had bonded and it already felt like we'd known each other our whole lives. I can't even begin to explain how much love there is in a room when all of us are together. I have *never* in my whole life experienced such a feeling of love and respect and joy and peace on a daily basis. I am  just amazed at how it feels every morning to wake up and be here. Training starts this week and all the other staff comes in  tomorrow. I know that this summer will be difficult at times but I know that God knows exactly what he's doing. Riding in the car on the way to 6 Flags two days ago Mr. Jeff asked me what I was hoping to get out of this summer. To be honest, I told him I really want to know why I'm here. It became very clear that this is where God wanted me to be this summer, but I'm not sure why. I can't wait to see what he has in store for me! Thank you to all of you that are praying and supporting me while I'm here, I love you all.